What compliance and integrity at CLARK stand for

At CLARK, we set high compliance and integrity standards for ourselves to protect our customers and employees. Compliance means adhering to all legal and regulatory obligations, as well as our own guidelines and standards. Integrity at CLARK is about acting honestly and upholding our values.
Christopher Oster
We protect our customers

We protect our customers by always acting honestly and professionally, as well as by providing excellent advice and service. Our customers are at the core of everything we do, and we always treat them and each other with respect. Customers can rely on us to take data protection seriously, promote IT security and take measures to prevent market distortion.

We protect our people and business by fostering diversity, ensuring safe and comfortable workplaces, and protecting our assets. We are a fair competitor – our products and services stand out in the market, and we are confident to win in a fair and honest competition.

Our code of conduct


Our purpose at CLARK is for every single customer to have their world protected and experience peace of mind with their insurance situation. 

Our Code of Conduct sets a standard of compliant and ethical behavior, to which we adhere in our daily activities and decision making.

Our whistleblowing system


Integrity and transparency are cornerstones of our company. If employees, partners, or third parties become aware of a potential or actual compliance concern, they can report it via our dedicated whistleblower system.

Reports can be made in English or German at any time. CLARK Group Compliance will handle the reports. We encourage everyone to speak up instead of staying silent to help us maintain a high level of trust.